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Landmarks Pattern

Landmarks Pattern

About This Pattern

Landmarks are a set of eight roles that identify the major sections of a page. Each landmark role enables assistive technology users to perceive the start and end of a feature of the high-level page structure that is usually conveyed visually with placement, spacing, color, or borders. For example, the main landmark designates the section that contains the main content of the page. In addition to conveying structure, landmarks enable browsers and assistive technologies to facilitate efficient keyboard navigation among sections of a page.

Several landmark roles are implied by HTML elements. For example, the HTML main element automatically creates a main landmark region, and the HTML nav element creates a navigation landmark region.

Since landmarks are intended to help assistive technology users perceive the high-level structure of a page, their value diminishes as their number grows. For optimum value, a general rule of thumb is that a page contains seven or fewer landmark regions. Another best practice is to ensure that all content is contained within an appropriate landmark region. The Landmark Regions Practice describes ways of using HTML sectioning elements and ARIA landmark roles that will most benefit users.


Keyboard Interaction

Not applicable.

WAI-ARIA Roles, States, and Properties

The Landmark Regions Practice describes the HTML elements, roles, properties, and usage guidelines for each of the landmark region roles.

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